Class: UI::WebDialog废弃的
- 继承于:
- Object
- UI::WebDialog
请使用HtmlDialog that was introduced in SketchUp 2017.
Ruby WebDialog类允许你在Ruby中创建DHTML对话框并与之互动。
在Windows下,IE在webdialogs的渲染模式与你在普通浏览器中看到的不同。它默认会选择一个较早的渲染模式,不同版本的SketchUp会使用不同的模式。为了可靠地控制您在 Windows 下的 webdialogs 的渲染模式,您需要插入一个特殊的 META 兼容性标签。
// 始终强制使用最新的版本: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/> // 锁定一个特定的IE版本: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
从SketchUp 2013开始,您可以在您的对话框中嵌入一个特殊的HTML链接,以启动扩展仓库并显示指定的扩展页面。如果你的扩展与另一个扩展有依赖关系,并且你想引导用户安装该扩展,那么这就很有用。
实例方法总结# collapse
#add_action_callback(callback_name) {|dialog, params| ... } ⇒ Object
#allow_actions_from_host(hostname) ⇒ Boolean
#bring_to_front⇒ UI::WebDialog
#close⇒ nil
#execute_script(script) ⇒ Boolean
#get_default_dialog_color⇒ 字符串
#get_element_value(element_id) ⇒ String
#initialize(*args) ⇒ Object
方法是用来创建一个新的webdialog。 -
#max_height⇒ Integer
#max_height=(height) ⇒ Integer
#max_width⇒ Integer
#max_width=(width) ⇒ Integer
#min_height⇒ 整数
#min_height=(height) ⇒ Integer
#min_width⇒ 整数
#min_width=(width) ⇒ Integer
#navigation_buttons_enabled=(nav_buttons) ⇒ 布尔值
#navigation_buttons_enabled?⇒ Boolean
navigation_buttons_enabled? 方法用于获取Mac上WebDialog顶部的home、next和back按钮是否可见。
#post_url(url, data) ⇒ nil
post_url方法用于使用HTTP POST方法将数据发送到一个url。
#screen_scale_factor⇒ Float
#set_background_color(color) ⇒ nil
#set_file(filename, path = nil) ⇒ nil
#set_full_security⇒ UI::WebDialog
#set_html(html_string) ⇒ nil
#set_on_close{ ... } ⇒ nil
#set_position(left, top) ⇒ nil
#set_size(w, h) ⇒ nil
#set_url(url) ⇒ nil
#show{|dialog| ... } ⇒ nil
#show_modal{|dialog| ... } ⇒ nil
#visible?⇒ Boolean
#write_image(image_path, option, top_left_x, top_left_y, bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y) ⇒ 对象
↑ #initialize(dialog_title = "", scrollable = true, pref_key = nil, width = 250, height = ) ⇒Object #initialize(properties) ⇒UI::WebDialog
嵌入对话框中的浏览器取决于用户的操作系统。在Mac上,Safari被嵌入,而在PC上,无论安装了什么版本的Internet Explorer都会被嵌入。
250, left = 0, top = 0, resizable = true)
@param [String] dialog_title 将在webdialog中显示的标题。@param [Boolean] scrollable 如果你想允许滚动条,则为true;如果你不想允许滚动条,则为false。@param [String, nil] pref_key 将保存对话框的位置和大小的注册表项。如果不包括preferences_key,将不保存位置和大小。@param [Integer] width Webdialog的宽度。@param [Integer] height 网络对话的高度。@param [Integer] left 从左边开始的像素数。@param [Integer] top 从顶部开始的像素数。@param [Integer] resizable 如果你想让webdialog可调整大小,则为true;如果不想,则为false。@return [UI::WebDialog]。
↑#add_action_callback(callback_name) {|dialog, params| ... } ⇒Object
请注意,你是以一个字符串的形式向Ruby发送数据,该字符串通过window.location bar传递。在PC上的Internet Explorer中,这个栏的长度限制为2038个字符,所以如果你需要传递大量的数据,你可以考虑使用get_element_value来从HTML中的隐藏输入字段拉入一个较长的字符串。
↑#allow_actions_from_host(hostname) ⇒Boolean
By default, actions are only allowed on the host where the webdialog is displayed. The allow_actions_from_host method is used to selectively allow actions to take place on a host remote from the host where the webdialog exists. If the webdialog is local, no remote host is allowed unless you use this method.
The bring_to_front method is used to bring the webdialog to the front of all the windows on the desktop. See show_modal for how to ensure that your WedDialogs are on top.
The close method is used to close the webdialog.
↑#execute_script(script) ⇒Boolean
The execute_script method is used to execute a JavaScript string on the web dialog.
The get_default_dialog_color method is used to get the default dialog color for the web dialog.
↑#get_element_value(element_id) ⇒String
The get_element_value method is used to get a value, with a given element_id, from the web dialog's DOM.
The max_height method is used to get the maximum height that the user is allowed to resize the dialog to.
↑#max_height=(height) ⇒Integer
As of SU2017 this will automatically scale the height by the same factor asUI.scale_factor.
The max_height= method is used to set the maximum height that the user is allowed to resize the dialog to.
The max_width method is used to get the maximum width that the user is allowed to resize the dialog to.
↑#max_width=(width) ⇒Integer
As of SU2017 this will automatically scale the width by the same factor asUI.scale_factor.
The max_width= method is used to set the maximum width that the user is allowed to resize the dialog to.
The min_width method is used to get the minimum height that the user is allowed to resize the dialog to.
↑#min_height=(height) ⇒Integer
As of SU2017 this will automatically scale the height by the same factor asUI.scale_factor.
The min_height= method is used to set the minimum height that the user is allowed to resize the dialog to.
The min_width method is used to get the minimum width that the user is allowed to resize the dialog to.
↑#min_width=(width) ⇒Integer
As of SU2017 this will automatically scale the width by the same factor asUI.scale_factor.
The min_width= method is used to set the minimum width that the user is allowed to resize the dialog to.
↑#navigation_buttons_enabled=(nav_buttons) ⇒Boolean
The navigation_buttons_enabled= method is used to set whether the home, next, and back buttons are visible at the top of the WebDialog on the mac. This method has no use on the PC, as these buttons are never displayed.
The navigation_buttons_enabled? method is used to get whether the home, next, and back buttons are visible at the top of the WebDialog on the mac. This method has no use on the PC, as these buttons are never displayed.
On the mac, this defaults to true for new WebDialogs.
↑#post_url(url, data) ⇒nil
The post_url method is used to send the data to a url using the HTTP POST method.
The screen_scale_factor method returns the ratio of screen pixels to logical window units (called 'points' on Mac) for the screen this WebDialog is currently in. On a retina screen Mac, this ratio will be greater than 1.0. On Windows this always return 1.0.
↑#set_background_color(color) ⇒nil
The set_background_color method is used to set the background color for the webdialog.
↑#set_file(filename, path = nil) ⇒nil
The#set_filemethod is used to identify a local HTML file to display in the webdialog.
The set_full_security method is used to place the WebDialog into a higher security mode where remote URLs and plugins (such as Flash) are not allowed inside the browser. This defaults to false when a new WebDialog is created.
↑#set_html(html_string) ⇒nil
The set_html method is used to load a webdialog with a string of provided HTML.
↑#set_on_close{ ... } ⇒nil
The set_on_close method is used to establish one or more activities to perform when the dialog closes (such as saving values stored in the dialog).
↑#set_position(left, top) ⇒nil
As of SU2017 this will automatically scale the x and y by the same factor asUI.scale_factor.
The set_position method is used to set the position of the webdialog relative to the screen, in pixels.
↑#set_size(w, h) ⇒nil
As of SU2017 this will automatically scale the width and height by the same factor asUI.scale_factor.
The set_size method is used to set the size of the webdialog, in pixels.
↑#set_url(url) ⇒nil
The set_url method is used to load a webdialog with the content at a specific URL. This method allows you to load web sites in a webdialog.
↑#show{|dialog| ... } ⇒nil
The show method is used to display a non-modal dialog box.
↑#show_modal{|dialog| ... } ⇒nil
The show_modal method is used to display a modal dialog box. In SketchUp 6 and 7, this behaves differently on Mac vs. PC. On the PC, it shows a truly modal dialog, meaning so long as the WebDialog is visible, no input can be performed elsewhere inside SketchUp. On the Mac, “modal” WebDialogs do not behave this way, but instead are “always on top” of other windows.
The visible? method is used to tell if the webdialog is currently shown.
↑#write_image(image_path, option, top_left_x, top_left_y, bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y) ⇒Object
The write_image method is used to grab a portion of the web dialog screen and save the image to the given file path.