Animation Tutorial
Select the four sides to be processed, which can be selected through the group component, or even the four sides in hidden objects such as surfaces.
Grow Selection(Grow Selection)
Animation Tutorial
Expand the selection area to the adjacent four sides.
Shrink Selection(Shrink Selection)
Animation Tutorial
Shrinks the four sides of the removed boundary from the selection.
Select Ring(Select Ring)
Animation Tutorial
Select all ring edges and faces according to the selection.
Grow Ring(Grow Ring)
Animation Tutorial
According to the gradual expansion of the constituency, select the ring sidelines and faces.
Shrink Ring(Shrink Ring)
Animation Tutorial
Select the edge and face of the ring according to the selected area's gradual contraction and removal.
Select Loop(Select Loop)
Animation Tutorial
Select all edge and face loops according to the selection.
Grow Loop(Grow Loop)
Animation Tutorial
According to the gradual expansion of the constituency, select the circular sidelines and faces.
Shrink Loop(Shrink Loop)
Animation Tutorial
Select the edge and face of the loop according to the selection shrinking step by step.
Offset Loop(Offset Loop)
Animation Tutorial
According to the selected edge loop, offset a new edge line and match the original face.
Quad Edge Tool(Quad Edge Tool)
Click and drag the mouse to convert the border to a quadrilateral edge.
Selection Region to Loop(Selection Region to Loop)
Automatically select the outer contour lines of the selected faces, and adjacent faces will automatically select closed outer contour lines.
Select Bounding Edges(Select Bounding Edges)
Automatically select all edges of the selected face.
Connect Edges(Connect Edges)
Animation Tutorial
According to the set number of segments, before every two edges, they are connected into several edges to divide the four sides.
Insert Loops(Insert Loops)
Animation Tutorial
Generates a new edge loop based on the currently selected edge.
Remove Loops(Remove Loops)
Animation Tutorial
Removes the edge loop associated with the currently selected edge.
Build Corners(Build Corners)
Animation Tutorial
According to the currently selected boundary, the appropriate corner of four sides is generated.
Build Ends(Build Ends)
Animation Tutorial
According to the currently selected sideline, the appropriate quadrilateral end is generated. The selected edge must be connected to two parallel edge loops.
Flip Triangulation Tool(Flip Triangulation Tool)
Animation Tutorial
Flip the split lines in the selected triangulated four sided faces, keeping the UV map and other perfectly unchanged when flipping.
Animation Tutorial
All the four sides selected are uniformly converted to four sides with hidden diagonal split lines.
Remove Triangulation(Remove Triangulation)
Animation Tutorial
All quadrilateral faces that are triangulated and in the same plane are converted to standard quadrilateral faces.
Triangulated Mesh to Quads(Triangulated Mesh to Quads)
First, select a standard quadrilateral or two triangles of the same plane as the datum, and try to automatically convert the triangles to quadrilateral.
Blender Quads to QuadFace Quads(Blender Quads to QuadFace Quads)
Convert the imported quadrilateral faces in blender software to quadrilateral faces that can be edited by this tool.
Sandbox Quads to QuadFace Quads(Sandbox Quads to QuadFace Quads)
Animation Tutorial
Convert the four sides generated by sandbox tool to four sides that can be edited by this tool.
Wireframe to Quads(Wireframe to Quads)
Animation Tutorial
The wireframe formed by the edge lines of four sides is generated into four sides according to the angle tolerance.
Smooth Quads(Smooth Quads)
Animation Tutorial
Smoothes all selected four sided faces and protects their triangular faces intact.
Unsmooth Quads(Unsmooth Quads)
Animation Tutorial
Unsmooth the selected four sided faces and keep their triangular faces intact.
Make Planar(Make Planar)
Project all selected faces onto the best fit plane based on the selected faces. Ensure that the four sides of the connection are not disconnected.
UV Mapping(UV Mapping)
Animation Tutorial
Sets the UV map of the selected four sides by setting the U and V axes.
Copy UV Mapping(Copy UV Mapping)
Animation Tutorial
Copies the UV map settings from the selected four sided faces.
Paste UV Mapping(Paste UV Mapping)
Animation Tutorial
Pastes UV map settings into the selected four sided faces.
Unwrap UV Grid(Unwrap UV Grid)
Animation Tutorial
Unfold the UV mesh into flat patches.
Animation Tutorial
Draw a line between points.
Export OBJ Format(Export OBJ Format)
Export the current model file to OBJ format.
Live Mesh Analysis(Live Mesh Analysis)
Animation Tutorial
When on, the status of four sides can be displayed in real time. Green means four sides, blue means triangle, and red means other sides. Executing this command again can turn off the real-time display.
Recursive Analysis(Recursive Analysis)
After opening, the status of the four sides within the group or component can be displayed in real time. Clicking again can turn off the display within the group.