The random chaos plug-in randomly moves, scales and rotates the selected crowd / component along the X, y and Z axes within the range< br>Select the coordinate axis to use, set whether to turn on the move, zoom and rotation status, and enter the corresponding parameters. The coordinate axis includes the world coordinate axis, the current coordinate axis (if the coordinate axis is moved, it will be the current coordinate axis), and the coordinate axis in the group< br> Changes according to the selected group / component origin (axis point). To prevent the plug-in from using random values, you can set the minimum and maximum values to the same values, which can be negative values. For example, the minimum value of - 100 and the maximum value of 100 will change randomly in the positive and negative directions from the original position.
Chaos(Chaos)Animation Tutorial
Move, scale and rotate the selected group / component randomly along the X, y and Z axes within the range, and the object will change randomly according to the parameter settings.