The intelligent offset plug-in can select one or more faces for batch offset, and at the same time, it can intelligently process the sharp corners to prevent the generation of messy offset lines.Please note: sketchup2017 has fixed the default offset tool tip handling issue. ...
Analyze non solid groups or components, list the problems, such as redundant lines and faces, broken lines or openings, internal redundant objects and faces without uniform direction, and automatically calculate and convert them into SketchUp entities. ...
The plug-in can convert a face, group, component or above combined entity into an overlay node network, edit these node networks, and then use the previously released point2mesh point integration plug-in to regenerate the surface object.
2012-9-30 19:44
Category: 3D FormViews: 9391
Comments number:1
This plug-in can quickly mark relative elevation. There are two commands in total. You can set the elevation of the datum through the "set origin elevation" command. The default elevation of the datum is 0; the "elevation Annotation" command is used to quickly mark the elevation, as long as you click the automatically snapped point with the mouse. ...
This plug-in is based on the secondary development of Didier & | s points | cloud | triangulation.rb, but the delauney3 file and protective program are added to avoid plug-in conflicts. Automatically connect each reference point to form a three-dimensional surface
2012-9-30 19:50
Category: 3D FormViews: 10245
Comments number:0